Savings Calculator

Based on your inputs and your goal, we recommend heat pump system.
Based on your inputs and your goal, we recommend heat pump system.
Without weatherization
With weatherization
Your current estimated annual heating & cooling costs
This number estimates the total cost for heating and cooling your home with your current system.
Your new estimated annual heating & cooling costs
$X - $X
$X - $X
new cost fine print
new cost fine print
Please keep these considerations in mind:
- Heat pumps offer environmental benefits, including reduced CO2 emissions. Refer to the Estimated Lifetime Environmental Impacts section for more information.
- Weatherization is strongly recommended prior to switching to a heat pump. Weatherization helps to reduce energy waste by up to 15%*, and can also help lower your energy bill as a result. Turn on the weatherization toggle to see how your recommendations change if you also weatherize your home.
- Reach out to one of our heat pump-trained contractors to learn more about why your energy costs are expected to increase. See our Contractors Lookup page to access our directory of heat pump-trained contractors.
- Remember to check back again in 6 months, as energy prices and other factors may change over time.
- Save energy and money by taking advantage of ComEd's other offerings and tools for your home. Click here for more information or call 855-433-2700 to speak with a representative.
Your Monthly Electric Bill
Your monthly electric bills fluctuate throughout the year based on the season and the weather. Below is an estimate of the potential impact on your total* electric bill during an average summer cooling month or winter heating month.
*These estimates include all electric use, not just heating and cooling.
Estimated average summer cooling month
Estimated average summer cooling month
↓ $0
↓ $0
During the summer months a heat pump could lower your cooling costs because it is more efficient than a standard air conditioner or window units.
During the summer months a heat pump could lower your cooling costs because it is more efficient than a standard air conditioner or window units.
Estimated average summer cooling month
Estimated average summer cooling month
$0 - $0
$0 - $0
DISCLAIMER: This Heat Pump Calculator is not a substitute for an on-site assessment performed by a heat pump-trained contractor. It is an educational tool designed to indicate potential savings and help inform heat pump decisions. No calculator can capture every variable – and many of the variables in this calculator can change, including pricing and system configuration.